Ian's Foreign Auto and Racing Site

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Porsche 914

Porsche 914 page 2

Saab Page

John Deere 750

At the Events

Racing News

Nuts and Bolts

Photos With Captions




What you'll find on my site:
-Info on our Porsche 914
-Stuff about my Saab
-A pointless page about our John Deere
-Why I Hate NASCAR
-Outdated info on racing that turns left and right
-Complaints about the auto industry
-Stories about the auto events I attend
-and soooo much more!
Saab 900
Clutch trouble, as it must to all manual transmissions, came to my Saab, age 14. (That's a pun on Citizen Kane) Anywho, yeah, the I was disturbed to find that I could not shift gears while in the middle of Fairview, PA. I coasted into a gas station and became very angry at the car. I certainly had not expected such a thing to happen. For the rest of this riviting story, see the Saab Page.

On A Clear Day You Can See General Motors
This is my new favorite book. It is John Z. De Lorean's (written by J. Patrick Wright) story about how poorly managed General Motors is. (or was, it was written in the 1970s) It's a fascinating story. I like it especially because it points out what I've been saying all along; American car companies only want money and don't care about the cars they build. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in cars, or business for that matter.

Cleveland Auto Show
March 1st through 9th

It's not quite the Detroit Auto Show, but I live a lot closer to this one, and it's not bad. The Cleveland Auto Show is held every year in the IX Center. Most auto makers make some sort of a showing there. (with the exception of some of the real exotic stuff) I've been going to this show for several years. It's worth the 90 mile trip from Erie. After looking around at the show for a few hours, we like to eat at Corky & Lenny's. For more info on the show, see the IX Center website.
IX Center


PORSCHE is pronounced Por-sha.



This is off by about 50 hits. No, it is not odometer fraud!

...NASCAR SUCKS...most other types of REAL auto racing are over for the year...

Corky & Lenny's
When you're in Cleveland for the auto show, or headed back to Erie from Mid-Ohio and you would like something quite massive to eat, stop at this place. I highly recommend it.
Corky & Lenny's Website

Site last updated February 25, 2003